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Library Trustee Minutes 06/15/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
June 15, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janis King, Sandy Snow, Margaret Warner (Chairperson)
Also Present:  Kathy Chisholm, Library Director

Minutes of the 5/12/2008 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
·       Nancy reviewed the status of the building fund, along with estimates of the remaining interior and exterior renovation work.
·       $15,523 remains in the building fund; $15,292 in the general fund.
·       Nancy anticipates the library will receive approximately $6,800-$7,000 from Trust Fund interest in July.

Director’s Report:
·       Benches:  Kathy identified a need for benches outside of the new entrance: potentially one at the top of the ramp, under the roof and one on the ground beside the ramp.  The bench from the front of the library could perhaps be moved to the side of the ramp area, as it is rarely used.  Folks walking up from Antrim Village on their way to town could use this as a resting spot.  Discussion that here may not be enough space to add a bench at the top of the ramp, due to ADA requirements.  Kathy will research this concern.
·       Moving Furniture:  Kathy has put a request in to the town to have Valley Street inmates assist with moving furniture this upcoming week.  Nancy will check with the town to see if any town personnel might be able to assist if the inmates are not available.
·       Director’s Report:  Reviewed written report.
·       Floor Coverings, Seating:  Kathy suggested including seating the size of a love seat or small couch in the adult reading area.  Discussion regarding the type and style of seating remaining to be acquired or purchased. Trustees will take a look at a loveseat Terry Cutter has available.  Size and style of area rugs for reading/reference areas also discussed.
·       Antrim Rec. Center:   Celeste Lunetta was successful in obtaining a grant to put on two shows at the library featuring a puppeteer/storyteller using an Australian theme.  These shows will be held on 7/23/08 at the library.

Old Business:  
·       Performance Evaluations:  The Trustees will meet before the July meeting for all to have input into the Director’s evaluation, with two Trustees then meeting with Kathy to complete the evaluation process.  Kathy shared her evaluation of one of the staff.   
·       Centennial Subcommittee:  Will meet 6/16/08 to continue with the planning.
·       Copier/ Fax:  Repair information and replacement quotes from Allan Treadwell were reviewed, with several questions. Nancy will discuss options with the town representative.

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New Business:
·       Library space for groups/activities/special events:  In order to have the library serve as a meeting place for groups and activities during times when library staff are not scheduled, Trustees will volunteer, on a rotating basis, to be present in the library in the evenings or on weekends during the hosting of those events.  There are also hours available for activities during the week when the library is closed but the director is available to supervise the use of the building (e.g. Friday afternoons, most mornings after 10:00).
·       Electrical Rewiring:  The condition of the remaining old electrical wiring is inadequate. A detailed estimate or repair/replacement is needed.

Next meeting:  July 14, 2008 at 7:30 PM at Tuttle Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Janis King, Trustee